Balancing the things you use with the things you enjoy

There’s a common view that councils should just be about roads, rubbish and water and everything else is a nice to have.

And while infrastructure is critical, for us to attract people and keep them in our district we also need to make it a great place to live with things for people to do.
This is where our community facilities come in.

Ensuring we have great swimming pools, having a space to show our local art collection, bring in plays and concerts from outside the district, or being able to preserve and display the taonga that tell the story of the district are all part of this.

That’s not to mention all the sports fields, skate parks, playgrounds, halls, theatres and walking tracks that give energy and life to the district.

This pie chart has remained reasonably consistent for many years, but we want to hear from you if you think we’ve got this balance right or, if not, how you think we should split our spending.

In this section we’re not talking about increasing or decreasing overall funding, just how we split up the pie. So, if you increase spending in one area, it means decreasing spending in another.

An increase in community spending would mean older pipes and rougher roads, or pushing up infrastructure spend could come at the cost of less park development, or older playground equipment.

Have we got this balance of spending right over our 10-year plan?

The options

Our preferred option is option 2.

Option 1 - 90/10 Split
Summary of Option
No, it should be more in favour of infrastructure, and spend less on community facilities.
  • $585 million core spending, additional $66 million for projects including road renewals, bridges and water treatment.
  • $65 million non-core spending, $66 million less for upgrades of community facilities, playgrounds and parks.
Option 2 - 80/20 Split
Summary of Option
Yes, you've got the balance right.
  • $519 million on core spending
  • $131 million on non-core spending.
  • Work programme as planned.
Option 3 - 70/30 Split
Summary of Option
No, you should invest more in community facilities and less on infrastructure.
  • $455 million on core spending, $64 million less for projects including road renewals, bridges and water treatment.
  • $195 million on non-core spending, additional $64 million available for projects such as the Aigantighe Art Gallery Extension, Community Facilities, Playgrounds and Parks.

Preferred Option


Option 1 - 90/10 Split


Option 2 - 80/20 Split


Option 3 - 70/30 Split

Summary of Option

No, it should be more in favour of infrastructure, and spend less on community facilities.

Yes, you've got the balance right.

No, you should invest more in community facilities and less on infrastructure.


  • $585 million core spending, additional $66 million for projects including road renewals, bridges and water treatment.
  • $65 million non-core spending, $66 million less for upgrades of community facilities, playgrounds and parks.

  • $519 million on core spending
  • $131 million on non-core spending.
  • Work programme as planned.

  • $455 million on core spending, $64 million less for projects including road renewals, bridges and water treatment.
  • $195 million on non-core spending, additional $64 million available for projects such as the Aigantighe Art Gallery Extension, Community Facilities, Playgrounds and Parks.