Status of District Plan Changes

District Plan Changes

Plan Changes Currently Being Processed


Plan Changes on Hold

16NPS for Electricity Transmission and Renewable Electricity TransmissionGiving effect to the NPS for Electricity Transmission and Renewable Electricity TransmissionDecision taken to incorporate into District Plan Review
19Geraldine Industrial Decision taken to incorporate into District Plan Review

Completed District Plan Changes

01Residential 6 Zone at GlenitiPlan Change 1 amends the Liquid Waste, Amenity Values and Residential Zone provisions and related General Rules for subdivision, sewerage, stormwater and roading in order to provide for low density residential development in areas currently zoned Residential 1 and 5 at Gleniti in Timaru and to provide for the taking of financial contributions for roads.Operative
02Rezoning to Industrial L at 10 Laughton Street, WashdykeThe purpose of Plan Change 2 was to rezone 2.42 hectares within the Residential 4 Zone as Industrial L.Operative
03Rezoning to Commercial 2A at Evans Street, TimaruThe purpose of Plan Change 3 is to rezone land at Evans Street, in Timaru (Pt Lot 1 DP 3955 and Pt Lot 25 DP 578) from Recreation 2 to Commercial 2A (the former A and P Showgrounds site).Operative
04Rezoning to Commercial 2 at 18, 18A and 20 Hobbs Street, TimaruPlan Change 4 comprised the rezoning of land from Residential 2 to Commercial 2, together with the inclusion of a Concept Plan and related amendments to Performance Standards for the Commercial 2 Zone and General Rule 6.8.3.Operative
05Rezoning to Industrial L at 22 Martin Street, WashdykeThe purpose of Plan Change 5 was to rezone land from Residential 4 to Industrial L.Operative
06Airport Noise BoundaryThe purpose of Plan Change 6 was to undertake a review of all relevant District Plan protection mechanisms that apply to the Airport.Operative
07Rezoning to Industrial L at 78 Shaw Road, GeraldineRezoning to Industrial L at 78 Shaw Road, GeraldineOperative
08Rezoning to Industrial L at 8 Doncaster Street, WashdykeThe purpose of Plan Change 8 was to rezone land from Residential 4 to Industrial L.Operative
09Rezoning to Commercial 2 at Highfield Shopping Centre, 143 Wai-iti Road, TimaruThe purpose of Plan Change 9 was to rezone land from Residential 1 to Commercial 2.Operative
10Rezoning to Residential 1 at 6/8 Guild Road, TemukaThe purpose of Plan Change 10 was to rezone from Rural 1 to Residential 1.Withdrawn
11Rezoning to Residential 1 at 44 Gresham Street, GeraldineThe purpose of Plan Change 11 was to rezone from Rural 4 to Residential 1.Withdrawn
12Rezoning to Industrial L at 300 Hilton Highway, WashdykePlan Change 12 comprised the rezoning of approximately 3.5Ha of land located on the western side of the Hilton Highway in the Washdyke area of Timaru, from Residential 4 to Industrial L. It provided for the rezoning of the existing Wills Furniture Retail Complex that fronts State Highway 1, the Power-Farming Agricultural Showroom fronting State Highway 8, Scarlett Hydraulic Technology and a currently vacant lot in the centre of the site, which gains access from State Highway 8.Operative
13Temuka North West Residential Expansion

Rezone land in Temuka North West from Rural 1 and 2 to Residential 1. The area will also include a Recreation 2 Zone for a neighbourhood reserve, an indicative roading layout, and new provisions relating to flood hazards. The Proposed Plan Change will deliver additional residential land to counteract the shortage of residential properties identified within the Temuka area.

14Washdyke Industrial ExpansionPlan Change 14 proposes to rezone lands at Washdyke, Timaru from Rural, 1, Rural 2 and Recreation 2 Zones to Industrial L and Industrial H Zones, covering an area of approximately 73Ha. The entire study area comprises approximately 120Ha of land.Operative from 17 November 2014
15Martin Street, Washdyke, Rezoning from Tesidential 4 zone to Industrial L zonePlan change 15 has been requested by Goldpine Industries Ltd, Graybird Holdings Ltd and J. & B. Christie Holdings Ltd. The plan change proposes to rezone land located at 16 and 22 Martin Street, Washdyke, Timaru, legally described as Lot 1 DP 301498 and Lot 2 DP 304931 respectively, from Residential 4 zone to Industrial L zone under the Timaru District Plan.Operative from 5 June 2012
17Geraldine Downs Operative from 10 March 2014
18Hilton Highway and Racecourse Road Operative from 4 March 2013
20Rural Residential (Brookfield Road) ZoneThe purpose of private plan change 20 was to rezone land at Brookfield Road Timaru from Rural 1 to Rural Residential.Operative from 19 September 2015
21Broughs Gully Outline Development Plan

Plan Change 21 was initiated by Council to facilitate co-ordinated urban development and the cost-effective and equitable provision of network servicing infrastructure across the Broughs Gully area in Timaru that is currently in multiple ownership and has significant servicing constraints.

Operative from 25 October 2019

Plan Change 22 - Washdyke Flat Road Industrial Plan Change

The purpose of private plan change 22 was to rezone land at Washdyke Flat Road Washdyke from Rural to Industrial L (Light).Operative from 1 July 2021

Last updated: 16 Dec 2021