Geraldine Strategy 2023-2033


What is the Geraldine Strategic Framework?

In August 2023 the Geraldine Community Board adopted the Geraldine, Woodbury, Peel Forest, Orari and surrounds Community Strategic Framework 2023 – 2026.

Developed through community consultation over 2022-2023, with seven workshops and over 1300 written responses, the strategic framework sets out how the Community Board, the community of Geraldine and the surrounding townships and rural areas will work toward a shared Vision to protect and enhance the character of Geraldine, its lifestyle opportunities for residents of all ages and its attractiveness as a visitor destination.

What direction does the plan set?

The community in Geraldine and the surrounding townships and rural areas have set out eight key Objectives across Values of “Collaboration and Partnership”, “Capability and Subsidiarity”, “Creativity and Opportunity”, and “Sustainability and Wellbeing” to address what is most important to them.

The key Objectives that underpin the strategic framework are:

  1. Protect and improve infrastructure, facilities and amenities for residents.
  2. Promote and enhance health, safety and social connectivity.
  3. Protect and enhance community lifestyles and opportunities.
  4. Protect and enhance the natural environment.
  5. Protect and promote a sustainable and diversified local economy.
  6. Protect and enhance recreation and tourism opportunities.
  7. Protect and enhance creative activity and connections.
  8. Protect and enhance cultural values (including heritage and history).

How do we move in the right direction?

To move forward on the Vision, Objectives and Values identified, the plan outlines a series of Priority Outcomes to strive toward over the next ten years:

What projects have been chosen for immediate funding by the Community Board?

With an allocated budget of $200,000 in the 2023/2024 Annual Plan, the Community Board has chosen to bring the following projects to fruition:

Geraldine Community Board ProjectsWhen and WhereLead Council UnitBudget AllocatedWho's Involved
Transportation - (Alignment with Key Objective  2)
District Active Transport Strategy allocation for projects.
 Land Transport Unit$50,000 
Accessibility - (Alignment with Key Objective 1)
Investigation of a ramp to the Geraldine Cinema to provide accessibility.
 Land Transport Unit$10,000 
Signage - (Alignment with Key Objective  1)
Installation of Electric Vehicle charging etiquette signage.
 Land Transport Unit$0 
Sculptures - (Alignment with Key Objective  1)
Contribution to Geraldine Sculpture Trails for landscape elements and trail (Loop 2).
 Parks and Recreation Unit$50,000 
Beautification - (Alignment with Key Objective  4)
Cox Street Market Square beautification.
 Parks and Recreation Unit$50,000 
Multi-Use Space - (Alignment with Key Objective 2 & 7)
Multi-use public space at Totara Square, pending a long-term lease agreement with the land owners.
 Programme Delivery Unit$40,000 

How can I give feedback of get involved?

If you’re keen to get involved or to find out more about the projects listed above, we’d love to hear from you! Please contact Geraldine Community Board Chairperson Jan Finlayson, 022 614 1590

Click here to read the
Geraldine Strategic Framework

Click here to read the
Geraldine Community Action Plan 2023-2026