Stand for local elections

Local Elections

Note: Any 2022-specific content and forms will be updated once 2025-specific material become available.


Standing as a candidate in the 2025 local elections is an opportunity to become involved in Timaru District’s future in the most direct way possible.

Nominations for all positions open on Friday 4 July 2025 and close at 12 noon on Friday 1 August 2025. 

Nominations must be in a registered Electoral Officials' hands at 2 King George Place, Timaru by 12 noon on Friday 1 August 2025.

Please do not leave your nomination until the last minute. Please read the associated candidate information booklet/information before completing your nomination paper.

Candidates cannot nominate themselves for office. You can stand independently or under a party grouping or affiliation - similar to the process that political parties use in parliamentary elections.

Each nomination must be made on the official nomination paper. Nomination papers will be available:

  • Online
  • from the main council office and service centres
  • by telephoning 687 7200 to request a nomination form to be posted.


Candidates must be nominated by two people, both of whom need to sign the nomination form.

District, Regional Councils and Community Boards

Nominators for candidates on district and regional councils, or for community boards must be on either the residential or ratepayer roll for the district or subdivision of the district (for example, ward, community board or constituency) in which the candidate is standing.

Geraldine Licensing Trust

Nominators of Trust candidates must be registered residential electors in the Trust's area.

Nomination Papers

Nomination Papers are available below:

Note: 2022 forms will be updated once 2025 forms become available.

Candidate Information

Prospective candidates are encouraged to read the Candidate Information Booklets. These are available below or shortly from:

  • Timaru District Council Main office and Service Centres
  • Email
  • Contact the Electoral Officer (03 687 7280)

Candidate Information Booklets/Information

Latest versions of Candidate Information Booklets are included below. Please note, these may be updated so please check here for the latest version.

All elections (Updated 1 July)

Environment Canterbury

Go to the Environment Canterbury website

Geraldine Licensing Trust

Other information and links

General Guide to Local Government

This candidate's guide to local government, published by Local Government NZ, gives general information about local government, the roles of elected members, the skills and qualities needed, how to nominate someone, how the election process works and key dates. The guide available below refers to the 2019 local elections. The updated guide will be available soon.

Victoria University Local Elections webinar

Victoria University are holding a webinar for those who are thinking of running for election to your local authority to help you understand what the role involves and how you can develop their skills to fulfil it. The webinar is a valuable introduction to the role they will play and the challenges they will face and is planned for  8-10pm on 30 June 2022, via Zoom.

Introductory Video by Dr Verna Smith, Senior Lecturer, School of Government

More information can be found in this document: 

The zoom link for the webinar can be found here -

For those unable to join we will provide a link to the recorded webinar after the event.

Other Links

Candidate Qualifications

Timaru District Council and Community Boards

To qualify as a candidate for election to the Timaru District Council or a community board you must be:

  • enrolled as a parliamentary elector anywhere in New Zealand; and
  • a New Zealand citizen

Geraldine Licensing Trust

To qualify as a candidate for election to the Geraldine Licensing Trust, you must be:

Environment Canterbury

To qualify as a candidate for election to the South Canterbury Constituency of Environment Canterbury you must be:

  • enrolled as a parliamentary elector anywhere in New Zealand; and
  • a New Zealand citizen

For Environment Canterbury elections, go here for further info.

Restrictions on Candidates

District, Regional Councils and Community Boards

If you are a candidate for the district council, community boards and Regional Council, these restrictions apply:

  • You cannot be a candidate for both the Timaru District Council (Mayor, Councillor or Community Boards and the Canterbury Regional Council
  • You cannot, at the same time, be a candidate for election for more than one ward or constituency of the same local authority or for more than one subdivision of a community board
  • No person can be elected to a local authority if he/she is concerned or interested in contracts over $25,000 in any financial year with that authority.  However, this may be waived if, before standing, you get approval from the Office of the Controller and Auditor-General.  (Section 3(1) of the Local Authorities (Members Interests) Act 1968)
  • If you are employed by a local authority and are elected as mayor or councillor of that local authority, you must resign as an employee before taking up the position as an elected member. However, this may not apply if you're employed by a territorial authority and are elected to a community board in that authority's district.

General Information

Persons considering nominating candidates, and potential candidates should also be aware of the following:

  • Candidates cannot nominate themselves for office
  • Candidates must consent to their nomination
  • Evidence of NZ Citizenship must be provided with your nomination
  • A deposit ($200 including GST) must be paid per issue when the nomination is lodged. Please pay using cash, eftpos or electronic banking.
  • To help voters identify candidates, a recent photo and a 150-word profile statement can be sent with the nomination form. The profile and photo will be published in a booklet sent out with the voting documents.
  • All nomination documents must be submitted together (e.g. Nomination Form, Deposit, Photo, Candidate Profile Statement). You must also provide evidence with your nomination that you are a NZ citizen.
  • Candidates may withdraw their nomination at any time before close of nominations (12 noon on Friday 12 August 2022). Notification must be in writing on the prescribed form available from the Electoral Officer.
  • A candidate cannot voluntarily withdraw their nomination after close of nominations, unless a candidate has become incapacitated after the close of nominations and before the close of voting.
  • No candidate can be employed or assist with the conduct of the election, nor be appointed as a scrutineer of any election conducted in the District.
  • Deposits will be refunded to candidates, except where they poll less than 25% of the vote of the lowest polling successful candidate for FPP elections.

Candidate Information Meeting

A Candidate Information meeting providing information for prospective candidates occurred on Thursday 7 July 

Presentations are included below:


Candidates standing for election to a local authority can start campaigning at any time and can continue up to and including Election Day, provided the rules set out in Local Electoral Act 2001 and the Local Electoral Regulations are complied with. For information relating to campaigning, please refer to the Candidate Information Handbook.

Campaign Advertising

Campaign advertising is subject to the following rules:

  • Advertisements are defined as anything published in a newspaper, periodical, notice, poster, pamphlet, handbill, billboard or card, or broadcast over radio or television.
  • Advertisements must be authorised in writing by the candidate or the candidate's agent.
  • Advertisements must contain a statement setting out the true name and contact details of the person or persons for whom or at whose direction they are published.
  • Contact details can be one or more of either:
    • a residential or business address; or
    • an email address; or
    • a post office box number; or
    • a phone number; or
    • a link to a page on an Internet site (if the page contains 1 or more of the above).
  • An authorisation must be included on all campaigning material.
  • Campaign expenses incurred by or on behalf of candidates during the three months before polling day (the applicable period) must be included in the candidate's electoral expenses return.

Campaign Expenditure Limits

Candidate campaigns are subject to the following expenditure limits, based on population in each area. Please note these numbers will be updated soon.

(June 2021 estimate)
$ Expenditure Limit
(including GST)
Mayoral candidate Timaru District48,400$30,000
District Council candidateGeraldine Ward6,170$7,000
 Pleasant Point-Temuka Ward9,820$7,000
 Timaru Ward32,500$20,000
Community Board memberGeraldine6,170$7,000
 Pleasant Point3,140$3,500
Licensing Trust candidateGeraldine6,000 approx$7,000
Environment Canterbury candidateSouth Canterbury64,200$40,000

If you are standing for more than one position then the higher limit applies (not both combined).

Full details of the election campaigning rules are included in the Candidate Information Booklet.

Donations and Expenses Return forms

Election Signage

Councils and government agencies have guidelines regarding putting up election hoardings in the district.

Temporary signs for Local Government elections shall not be erected more than six weeks before the event, nor remain erected more than one week following completion of the event.  For the 2022 local authority elections, this means that signage can be erected from Friday 26 August 2022 and must be removed by midnight on Saturday 15 October 2022.

Election Protocols

Last updated: 31 Jan 2025