Timaru Stormwater Management Plan

Stormwater Management Plans

Timaru District Council (TDC) provides urban stormwater collection and disposal for the city of Timaru and is responsible for ensuring that the reticulated stormwater system provides an adequate level of service for this community.

TDC has prepared a Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) for the existing urban area of Timaru and for future expansion of the city, primarily based on land-use zones within the current District Plan. These existing and future urban areas comprise the Stormwater Management Area (SMA) covered by the Timaru SMP.

TDC’s vision for managing stormwater in Timaru is: “Together we value, protect and restore the mauri/life-force of the waterways so that it enables mahinga kai, kī uta kī tai.”

The Timaru SMA is approximately 1,900 hectares (ha) and consists of a large proportion of residential land, some lifestyle blocks, reserve areas, and land used for industrial, and commercial purposes. TDC provides a reticulated stormwater network that services approximately 13,046 properties via a system of pipes and open channels. Due to the constraints within the city associated with discharging stormwater into land, stormwater from the reticulated network predominantly discharges into surface water via several outfalls. The SMA consists of discrete well-defined sub-catchments based on the gullies and waterways receiving the discharges from the network.

These sub-catchments include:

  • Ōtipua -Saltwater Creek Catchment
  • Timaru Catchment (which includes Whales Creek and Waimataitai Creek),
  • Taitarakihi Creek Catchment; and
  • Coastal Catchments

The Washdyke area is not covered under the Timaru Stormwater Management Plan,  as it will be separately managed and covered by its own unique plan.

Stormwater Consent Application and Assessment of Environmental Effects

Stormwater Management Plan

Last updated: 26 Jun 2023