Discussion documents have been completed on the issues for each major topic. A booklet that summarises the community feedback on the discussion documents has been released. The booklet also includes the Environmental Services Committee's initial direction for the review.
Topic 1: Takata Whenua
Topic 2: Subdivision
Topic 3: Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity
Topic 4: Natural Hazards
Topic 5: Landscapes and Natural Character
Topic 6: Heritage Values
Topic 7: Soils, Minerals and Earthworks
Topic 8: Energy
Topic 9: Utilities and Infrastructure
Topic 10: Transport
Topic 11: Noise
Topic 12: Rural Zones
Topic 13: Rural Residential Areas
Topic 14: Residential Zones
Topic 15: Commercial Zones
Topic 16: Industrial Zones
Topic 17: Recreation Zones
Topic 18: Institutions
Last updated: 13 Sep 2023