Timaru District 2045 Growth Management Strategy

District Plan Review

What is the Growth Management Strategy?

The Growth Management Strategy (Draft GMS) is a 30 year strategy to manage land use growth.  The Draft GMS will inform the supply of zoned land provided through the District Plan Review and also how the new District Plan manages growth in existing zoned areas.  It will address urban and rural land use growth in the district, including the growth of residential, rural residential, industrial, commercial and recreational activities.  The approved GMS will also inform the Long Term Plan, particularly the provision of infrastructure services. It may also inform the provision of infrastructure by non-Council agencies. The Draft GMS aims to give effect to the Canterbury Regional Policy Statement and the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity.

How does the Growth Management Strategy affect me?

The GMS may affect you if you want to subdivide or develop your property in the future. It may also affect you if you are concerned about new development in your area, or how the district and / or your settlement grows.

What phase is the Draft Growth Management Strategy in now?

The Draft Growth Management Hearing was held on 6-8 December 2017. The panel has received 75 submissions and has heard 45 submissions over the hearing.

The panel has made its decisions on the Growth Management Strategy in April. The decision and a final revised version of the Draft Growth Management Strategy, which has been presented to and adopted by Council as a Council Strategy on 22 May 2018.

The Adopted Growth Management Strategy is available below:

Copies of the decision report and the GMS can also be inspected or purchased at the:

  • Geraldine Library and Service Centre, 78 - 82 Talbot Street, Geraldine;
  • Customer Services Reception, Timaru District Council, 2 King George Place, Timaru;
  • Timaru Library, 56 Sophia Street, Timaru;
  • Temuka Library and Service Centre, 72-74 King Street, Temuka.

What happens from now on?

As explained earlier, the Growth Management Strategy will inform the District Plan Review process. Please note the land identified to accommodate future land use growth in the Growth Management Strategy:

  • has not yet been rezoned by the District Plan;
  • does not guarantee the land will be rezoned in the District Plan;
  • does not mean resource consent will be granted to accommodate land use growth on that land now or in the future.

Any person or organisation with an interest in rezoning  land whether identified in the GMS or not  is encouraged to participate in the District Plan Review. For more information on the District Plan Review and to get involved and staying informed, please visit www.timaru.govt.nz/dpr.


All relevant documents associated with the Growth Management Strategy can be downloaded below:

Warning: These documents are very large, please be careful when downloading over mobile data!

Adopted GMS


Officer's Report

Summary of Submissions

Notified Draft Growth Management Strategy

Background Document

Fact Sheets

Copy of Submissions

Please note submissions made via the online submission system have had the answers highlighted in yellow to assist readability.

Late Submissions

Note: Late submissions will be determined by the Hearing Panel if they are accepted or not.

Receive e-mail updates about the Draft GMS by subscribing to the e-mail update service.

Last updated: 23 Jan 2025