District Town Centres Study

District Plan Review

What is the District Town Centres Study?

The District Town Centres Study examined the issues and opportunities faced by the District's town centres and the options to address those matters, including:

  1. the potential effect of out of centre retail developments on our town centres;
  2. the potential effect of the proposed earthquake prone buildings amendments to the Building Act 2004; and
  3. the potential effect of internet shopping on town centres.

How does the District Town Centre Study affect me?

The outcomes of the Study can affect you.  All of the District's town centres have potential for improvement. Identifying and addressing these areas of improvement will help foster economic development, support local employment and help create diverse, attractive places where people want to work, live and visit.  If you own or lease property in one of the town centres, the Study will be of particular interest to you.

Any outcomes that are Resource Management matters will inform the new District Plan through the District Plan Review.

What phase is the District Town Centre Study in now?

The Study identified a number of issues and opportunities, many of which sit out of Council direct control to address.  What’s required to address these issues and opportunities is a comprehensive strategy for the Timaru town centre.  However, such a strategy can only realistically be developed in tandem with town centre landowners and stakeholders.  Given that there is no town centre group that manages the Timaru town centre, Council is currently investigating whether such a group could be created.

If you have any questions about the District Town Centre Study please contact District Planning Manager Mark Geddes at mark.geddes@timdc.govt.nz or on 03 687 7454.


Last updated: 24 Feb 2021