Safer Communities

Community & Culture

Safer Communities

Our vision

Safe, resilient and connected communities in the Timaru District.

Safer Communities aim is to make Timaru District a safer place to work, live and play.  A safe community is one where people want to live, work, visit and interact with one another.  It is where homes, workplaces, public transport, community spaces and neighbourhoods are welcoming and where people feel safe and free from harm.


Timaru District Safer Communities was originally formed in 1994 and has been contributing to crime prevention and education across the district for 27 years.

Its aim is to make Timaru District a safer place to work, live and play.  A safe community is one where people want to live, work, visit and interact with one another.  It is where homes, workplaces, public transport, community spaces and neighbourhoods are welcoming and where people feel safe and free from harm.


Historically the key function has been to coordinate activities and initiatives to support crime prevention within the district. As the needs of the community evolved, so did the activity, with the largest part of the Safer Communities function being focused on delivering the Restorative Justice programme.

In September 2020 the committee agreed the need to reassess the Districts Safer Communities activity and set a strategic direction which aligned to the community wellbeing outcomes.  The group have created a draft Timaru District Safer Communities Strategy which defines the group’s purpose and its strategic priorities.

Safer Communities Committee

The Safer Communities Committee is made up with representatives from the following organisations: Aoraki Migrant Centre, Aoraki Secondary School Principals Association, CCS Disability Action, Chamber of Commerce, Greypower Timaru, NZ Police, Fire & Emergency NZ, Oranga Tamariki, Neighbourhood Support, Primary School Principals Association, Te Aitarakihi Trust, Timaru Community Patrol, Work & Income NZ, YMCA South & Mid Canterbury, SCDHB Child & Youth Manager, SC National Council of Women, Timaru Christian Ministers Association, Mayor Nigel Bowen and Deputy Mayor Steve Wills.


If you have any questions about Safer Communities please email

Last updated: 02 Sep 2021