Time Frames

Resource Consents

Standard Resource Consent Applications

The timeframes for processing a resource consent application largely depends on whether the application contains sufficient information and the way in which the application is processed. If the application is lodged and it does not contain sufficient information, it will not be accepted and will be returned to the applicant within ten working days of being lodged.

Once accepted, a non-notified resource consent is to be processed by Council within 20 working days of the application being lodged and accepted. However, there are factors that can change this timeframe, including:

  • If the planner requires further information, the 'clock' stops and doesn't start again until the appropriate information is received;
  • If the planner requires a report to be commissioned, the 'clock' stops until the report has been provided; and
  • If the planner requires written approval from affected parties, the 'clock' stops until the written approval is provided or Council is informed that it cannot be provided.

Council can also decide to notify or limited notify the consent within the first twenty working days. Notification can also be requested by the applicant. If a consent is notified the timeframe is extended to 130 working days. Limited notification consents are required to be processed in 100 working days.

Fast Track Resource Consent Applications

A new fast track process for resource consents has been introduced by the Resource Management Act Reform 2017 (RMA). The RMA changes set down that this process is only for controlled activities under the District Plan (except subdivisions). If your activity is a controlled land use activity and you provide an electronic address for service, you will qualify for the fast track process and your application will be processed in a maximum of 10 working days instead of 20 days.

Note that if the application is to be notified or a hearing is required, the application ceases to be a fast track application and the standard timeframe applies.

Last updated: 24 Feb 2021