Downlands Scheme Reopening

Water Supply

In this section

Downlands - more water available

Most areas of the Downlands scheme (excluding Pareora and St Andrews) have been closed to new connections since the late-1990s.

We recently successfully commissioned the new Te Ana Wai water treatment plant. Following this, and other associated infrastructure upgrades, we now have more water available for the Downlands rural water supply and are re-opening the Downlands scheme to new connections.

We now invite property owners within the existing scheme boundaries, or on the boundary, to submit a Downlands services consent application form to either:

  • Apply for more water (if currently connected) or;
  • Request a new connection (if not currently connected, or subdividing or building a new dwelling).

Hydraulic assessment

All applications will be hydraulically assessed by Council to ensure water can be supplied. There are parts of the Downlands Water Supply that will require further upgrades before water can be supplied. If water cannot be hydraulically supplied at this time, the application will be declined and no fees will be payable.

Eligibility criteria

The following property types may be eligible for a new connection or additional water where the water will be used for stock and/or domestic water use only. All properties must either be within or directly on the boundary of the current Downlands scheme.

  • Existing properties with no current connection to the scheme
  • New subdivision lots
  • Additional dwellings (either existing or under construction) on the same title as another, connected dwelling
  • Where the property is currently under-supplied based on our updated design allocation of 65 litres per hectare per day for stock water, with an additional 1,000 litres per dwelling per day. To work out the maximum number of units you're eligible for, use our calculator below.

At this time we are not intending to make connections available to properties in Albury township, at Pareora Huts, or outside of the existing Downlands scheme boundaries. We also do not intend to supply water for intensive livestocking over and above the design allocation or for irrigation purposes.

All connections or increased allocations must meet our storage requirements as outlined in the Downlands Water Supply Policy.

Note: Approvals will be granted subject to our design criteria and satisfactory results from hydraulic modelling.

How to apply

1. Check that you are currently on or within the Downlands water scheme boundaries using our Water Scheme Map.
2. Check that you meet the eligibility criteria above.
3. Check your water unit allowance by using the calculator below. 
4. Fill out and submit a Downlands service consent application form.

An application fee of $650 will be invoiced for each application submitted. All fees will be billed to the landowner unless otherwise specified.

Application form

You can either apply online or download a hardcopy form.

Online application form Do it all online - no paperwork!  

Please fill out the above application form and return it to:

Application guide

For help filling out the application form, please refer to the Application guide.

How much water can I get?

New allocation rules

The new design allocation for a property is based on 65 litres per day per hectare for stock, with an additional 1000 litres per dwelling per day.


Let's say you have a 15-hectare property with one dwelling.

15 hectares x 65 litres 957 litres
1 dwelling 1,000 litres 
Total 1,975 litres*

*This would be rounded up to 2,000 litres (i.e. 2 units of water per day)

Note: ½ units are available between 1.0 unit and 3.0 units only.


Please use our allocation and cost calculator to understand the maximum water allocation you are entitled to at your property, and  the likely fees associated with your application.

Allocation and Cost Calculator (This opens a new window).

Please note: the New Connection and New Unit fees do not include installation costs or the supply of the water tank. Water supply pipework/installation costs vary for each property based on various factors, including elevation and proximity to the nearest Council water main. This could be several thousand dollars and may even exceed Council connection fees. Please ensure you undertake due diligence and contact an infrastructure approved contractor for an installation estimate before applying.

Summary of fees*

Charges Associated with approval New Connection Additional Water
Timaru District Council - Application Fee $650.00 $650.00
Downlands Water Supply - Connection $7,500.00 N/A
Downlands Water Supply - New Unit $9,200.00 per unit $9,200.00 per unit
Rejet Fee N/A $133.11
Water Supply Pipeworks and Tank Costs Varies - please obtain a quote from an Approved Contractor N/A

*These costs are disclosed in our Water Fees and Charges, and are reviewed annually. For more explanation of these costs, please refer to the FAQ below: What will this cost?

Ongoing rates: Once connected, you will incur ongoing charges that are applied to your rates. This includes a $684 Service Charge and $274 per Unit Charge from 1st July following installation. These charges are reviewed annually in the rates resolution (refer page 4 for Downlands Water Supply).

Frequently asked questions

How long will it take to process applications?

You can submit your application now and have it entered into the system to hold your place in the queue. Unfortunately, we are experiencing unforeseen resourcing issues and cannot process these until mid-March. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience. From mid-March 2023, the processing of applications will resume in the order of applications received. Please do not resubmit your application.

Do I need to apply if I've filled out the expressions of interest web form?

Yes. Our expressions of interest form enabled us to collect some early data about areas where demand for more water might exist, but to enable us to approve your request, we need more information so we now invite you to formally apply for more water.

I don't understand the water allowance - can you help?

Yes - Please phone our Infrastructure Consents team for help on 03-687-7200.

Can I "bank" water for the future?

No. Water banking for the future is not permitted.

Can I use my own contractor?

No. You must choose from one of Council's Rural Water Supply Approved Contractors to ensure the work meets our engineering standards, so we can maintain it in the future.

Can I swap or transfer units between properties?

Water allocation can be redistributed within the same rateable assessment number. However, you cannot swap or transfer units between properties with different rateable assessment numbers.

You can submit an application for more water on one property (acceptance would require you to pay a financial contribution for increased water) and voluntarily surrender units on another property. Note: there will be no compensation for units surrendered, but you would no longer have to pay the annual rating charge for any surrendered units.

I rent/lease a Downlands property - can I apply?

Yes, you can but you should first discuss your application with the landowner as acceptance of applications comes with financial responsibilities. We may ask you for additional information.

What will this cost?

Obtaining more water does come with some costs and it's important that you understand what this might mean for you before you submit an application. Use our cost calculator to estimate your likely costs.

Increasing allocation 
To increase your allocation, you would be required to pay:

  • $500 application fee (this will be invoiced)
  • a financial contribution for additional water, plus the unit rate per year.
  • a rejet fee to get your restrictor unit re-jetted.
  • you may also need to buy a bigger tank to ensure your tank size meets the policy requirements for 3 days storage based on an increased allocation.

New connections
For new connections, the following charges would apply:

  • $500 application fee (this will be invoiced)
  • purchase a sufficient-sized tank to meet policy requirements for 3 days storage.
  • cost of extension of Council mains (pipes) to the site of your tank*
  • you will be rated for Downlands water and have to pay the annual unit rate.

*Please note: the New Connection and New Unit fees do not include installation costs or the supply of the water tank. Water supply pipework/installation costs vary for each property based on various factors, including elevation and proximity to the nearest Council water main. This could be several thousand dollars and may even exceed Council connection fees. Please ensure you undertake due diligence and contact an infrastructure approved contractor for an installation estimate before applying. It is the customer's responsibility to approach a Council Approved Contractor to get an estimate for the cost of extension of Council mains to ensure this is affordable for their situation. The new section of pipeline will have to be vested to Council so we can maintain it and therefore has to meet our engineering standards.

I'm subdividing - what do I need to know?

Applications involving subdivisions must have a separate application for each proposed Lot. If a subdivision is intended, the Services Consent approval for Downlands water will not be issued until an approved subdivision consent is obtained. Approvals are valid for 24 months. An application fee of $500 will be invoiced for each application submitted.

Can I get my application fee refunded if I choose not to proceed?

Sorry, no. It takes a lot of staff time to process an application so we cannot give refunds if you choose not to proceed. If you're unsure, we suggest you call our Infrastructure Consents team to have a chat prior to lodging an application.

You will not be charged for your application if the reason your application is declined is that we cannot hydraulically supply the water to your property.

What if I can't afford the fees for an additional unit of water?

If you are eligible for more water, but can't afford to pay for an additional unit of water at $8,000, you could consider a half unit of water. This would provide you with an extra 500 litres of water per day, and the cost of this would be $4,000.

Note: ½ units are available between 1.0 unit and 3.0 units only.

For more information on eligibility and costs please use our calculators above.

How much water is available?

We have 500 additional domestic water units available for dwellings plus more stock water. We will continue to accept applications until this water is fully allocated.

I'm applying for a new connection - what do I need to know?

You will need to submit a proposed plan with your application showing where you intend to place your water tank. The closer you can place your water tank to the nearest water main the cheaper your pipework connection costs will be. Please email for a copy of a Services Plan for your property and talk to an Infrastructure Approved Contractor.

Why can't you hydraulically supply water to every property?

Because the Downlands scheme is a trickle-feed scheme, we use a small diameter pipeline to deliver water. The increase in water allocation may mean that we need to upgrade the size of some of our smaller mains. Over the last few years, we have proactively upgraded the size of some of our major trunkmains and some rider mains. However, some of our smaller mains will not be sufficiently sized to meet the demand for new/additional water.

This is why we need to check the hydraulic capacity for every application submitted. If the mains need to be upgraded to meet demand, there will be a delay in us being able to allocate more water, and you will have to wait.

Last updated: 25 Jul 2024