Published: 12 Jul 2022
Timaru District Council has approved more than $76 million in investments in essential infrastructure and community facilities as part of the Annual Plan it adopted at its meeting on 28 June.
The Annual Plan, which was approved unanimously outlines all capital investment and operational spending over the next 12 months from 1 July. It also sets the rates and fees for the next year.
The increase in overall rates charged by council was kept to the level consulted on as part of the Long Term Plan process last year. The overall amount collected through rates will increase by 4.9% to $62.7 million.
The individual increase seen by each property depends on the value of the property, what services are received, and where it is located.
Mayor Nigel Bowen said that 2022/23 looks to be another year with significant events for Council to navigate.
“2021/22 was a big year for the Timaru District, characterised by the uncertainty of an ongoing global pandemic and the flow on effects on the economy, supply chains and service delivery,” he said.
“As we move into the new financial year, the more recent impacts of international political tensions on the world economy, cost increases and significant proposed legislative changes affecting local government, means that it will continue to be operating in a challenging environment.
“We remain committed to delivering on the objectives we agreed to with the community during the Long Term Plan (LTP) consultation – this includes major infrastructure and community facilities projects, while keeping within agreed financial limits.
“We are proud to say that much of the 2021/22 year (Year 1 of the LTP 2021-31) work programme is on track, with a number of projects successfully being delivered. Examples include the Pareora water pipeline replacement stages 1 and 2, Te Ana Wai Downlands Water upgrade, and roading upgrades.
“In total, for 2022/23, we’ve budgeted $76.3M for capital projects, and $101.7M for our operating budget to run all of Councils’ day to day activities, over the next year.
“To do this we are looking at a 4.9% increase in the amount of revenue we collect from rates, as agreed during the Long Term Plan consultation. We have been able to achieve this through careful financial planning as well as rescheduling or deferring some capital works projects.
“We acknowledge that delivering a large programme in these globally challenging times is ambitious. However, we consider these challenges to be positive and we look forward to working closely with our community to achieve what we have planned together.”
More information on the Long Term Plan projects can be found at
Details of the Annual Plan and 2022/23 rates resolution can be found here:
Last updated: 12 Jul 2022