Published: 18 Mar 2020
Major upgrade works are set to start on Talbot Street, Geraldine from Monday 23 March.
The $600,000 upgrade project, jointly funded by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and Timaru District Council, will cover a section of the road running between the 50km/h boundary to Kennedy Street.
The upgrade work involves the removal of the existing road surface, replacement of the underlying pavement structure to reshape the road and a re-seal.
Council Land Transport Manager, Andrew Dixon says that following the works drivers will see a significant improvement on the road smoothness and resilience.
“The section of the road is near end of life and is showing many failures. This was exacerbated during the Rangitata flooding when the road was used as a State Highway 1 bypass during the Rangitata River flooding event in December 2019.
“The significantly increased traffic volume has resulted in significant deterioration of the road so we’ve had to bring the renewal forward, to keep the road safe and provide a comfortable ride for all road users.”
Road construction crews will generally work from 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday, and Saturday if required as it is important that this work is completed before winter.
There will be significant traffic management in the area during the period of the works, which will include stop-go controls at times, lowering speed limits, being down to one-lane, and adjacent side streets may be closed to through traffic.
Full pedestrian and cyclist access will be maintained. Cyclists need to be aware that the footpath is a shared space and a slow-speed area.
The variable message board will be installed on-site to advertise the upcoming works.
“We’d ask people to follow workers’ instructions and signage, and please ensure speeds through the worksite are kept low to for the safety of our roading crew and other road users.”
“We want to thank people in advance for their patience and understanding.” Dixon says.
All works are expected to be completed in May 2020, dependant on weather conditions and other unforeseeable circumstances.
A further stage of the roading upgrade work, covering the section between Kennedy Road and Huffey Street, will start in 2021 after sewer renewal project is completed.
For a full list of this season’s construction works please visit:
Last updated: 24 Feb 2021